Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Surprising Events

I’m reflecting back on Alaska this week. I wish this trip had lasted forever. My sisters, mom and grandma took a cruise together. It was the best trip of my life J
I love all the fall colors that are appearing! I can’t wait to do some hiking in the next few weeks. I was looking forward to going camping this week but life was just too hectic. However, my boyfriend and I did get some very exciting news. We were approved for a new house loan! We love the house we own now but are very excited to start looking for a house in the country J He and I already have a garden that takes up our entire yard and seven chickens. It will be much easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a large garden. I also love horses! I can’t wait to ride around our property for hours.
With that said, I would love to know if my readers would rather live in the city or in the country. Some of the people I’ve told think I’m crazy. I only live ten minutes from work, school and most of my family. Why would I want to sacrifice that for a 30-40 minutes drive? I can’t stand the city noise anymore. I’ve been waiting my whole life to be able to look outside and see the stars at night. That time has come and I couldn’t be more excited! Finally, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blogging Fail

Who can tell me if this is a Hawk or Spinx moth? I can't tell the difference!
Well, this week I am feeling like a failed blogger. I cannot seem to post more than once a week and it’s usually right before class! I loved the idea of creating a blog. I thought it would be really interesting to post different ideas and bounce them off of fellow bloggers. However, no one is going to read a blog that is NEVER updated. I will have to set an agenda and make myself write on several days during the week. Does anyone have suggestions on a better way to maintain a blog? Also, being sick last week has made me feel extremely behind on class work but I’m pretty sure that is only in my head.

On a completely different topic, I’m sad it’s going to freeze tonight! I think my fall garden is remarkable. Each of my pepper plants has several peppers on them. Outside of a few tomato plants being invaded by Hawk or Spinx moths, I have multiple tomatoes every day. I have eaten a fresh salad with bok choy, spinach, a variety of lettuce and Swiss chard every day for the past four weeks. My carrots are still crisp and the onions are almost sweet. I will do my best to put a freeze cloth out but the reality is winter is here. I need to start moving all of the potted plants indoors and figure out a planting strategy for the spring. I wish my garden could count as class credit…it takes up more time than my homework but I actually enjoy it J

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

3 Cheers for Midterms....Or NOT!

This week’s picture is from my trip to London this summer.

Sorry for the delayed post everyone. These past two weeks are a complete blur. I have never had so many intense midterms!
 Anyway, I am really excited about my writing class assignment. Making a Facebook page for my photography business is AWESOME. I will finally learn how to make my page productive and bring in more business. Feel free to check it out :)
Most of my classmates know that I am into photography. I love being outdoors and interacting with people. I take pictures of anything and everything. My problem with photography is I don’t know where to go from here. Photography is an exceptionally competitive field. I know almost ½ of my classmates dabbles in the photography realm. However, I don’t think this a bad thing. Knowing the artistic side of a business is just as important as knowing how to write a press release in my opinion. Each time I go to class, I realize how important it is to have a broad skill range. I think the more you know, the more valuable to you are to a business. What do you all think out there in the cyber world?
Well, I will update more often with midterms week out the way. I really want a NEW place to go take pictures of this weekend. I’m due for a little fun. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Homework in the Red Buds

Interesting photography spot for the week:

Red Bud Valley in Catoosa, Okla.

Today’s frustration is a lack of motivation. I honestly enjoy going to my classes this semester. Persuasive writing class challenges all aspects of my writing. I’m not a creative writer and I don’t have a great grasp of grammar but I enjoy learning how to better myself. My graphic design class forces me to look at every aspect of a design. I struggle with the software but it won’t be like that forever. The online Social media class is my biggest challenge because I can’t remind myself to check it. I don’t understand what we are doing but that’s the point. Figure out what social media is to me!
 However, I do not want to do any homework in or outside of the classroom! It’s hard for me to make the time to sit down and complete an assignment. It’s pathetic. Doing homework is excellent practice but I just don’t like it. I hope blogging is even better practice because I’m excited about it! I think it provides unique challenges. Create something people are interested in and maintain that interest. Talk about something I care about and get feedback from several people…blogging is right up my alley.
I wish all homework could be in the form of a blog or a photography assignment!