I’m reflecting back on Alaska this week. I wish this trip had lasted forever. My sisters, mom and grandma took a cruise together. It was the best trip of my life J
I love all the fall colors that are appearing! I can’t wait to do some hiking in the next few weeks. I was looking forward to going camping this week but life was just too hectic. However, my boyfriend and I did get some very exciting news. We were approved for a new house loan! We love the house we own now but are very excited to start looking for a house in the country J He and I already have a garden that takes up our entire yard and seven chickens. It will be much easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a large garden. I also love horses! I can’t wait to ride around our property for hours.
With that said, I would love to know if my readers would rather live in the city or in the country. Some of the people I’ve told think I’m crazy. I only live ten minutes from work, school and most of my family. Why would I want to sacrifice that for a 30-40 minutes drive? I can’t stand the city noise anymore. I’ve been waiting my whole life to be able to look outside and see the stars at night. That time has come and I couldn’t be more excited! Finally, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!